Monday, January 31 2022
How To Develop A CPA Drip Marketing Campaign
To help you develop a drip marketing campaign that targets your database of CPAs/referral partners, you will find a few steps to consider below:
With drip marketing, it is all about sending the right message, at the right time, to the right audience, and at the right frequency! About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Monday, January 31 2022
6 Tips To Better e-Mail Marketing Results
e-Mail marketing is still a terrific way for your payroll service to build trust, credibility, and brand recognition in the marketplace; however, it needs to be done right. And based on my experience in sending 100+ million e-mail messages, here are a few pointers for you to consider:
1. Have A Colleague Do A 4-Second Test - Send a copy of your e-mail campaign to a colleague to see if they can quickly 1. Review your e-mail for clarity and brevity, and 2. Determine your low-risk offer. 2. Proof Your Campaign At Least 2X –Before you press the send button, print your campaign for proofing and then hand it to one or two other people for proofing. 3. Avoid Using 'No-Reply' In The SENDER'S e-Mail Address – Avoid using the phrase "no reply," or a similar phrase, as your e-mail sender's name. 4. Remove These e-mail Addresses – Before you launch your next mass e-mail campaign, I recommend removing all generic, i.e.,,, etc., and role, i.e., service@, info@, etc. e-mail addresses from your database. Why? They will be the ones who cause the most issues for you with services like Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, etc. After doing that, upload your database to a third-party verification service to tag the invalid/complainer e-mail address. 5. Clean Your e-Mail Database - After sending your e-mail campaign, remove all bounced e-mail addresses. With services like Constant Contact, they make it easy to do this. 6. Link Your e-Mail’s Low-Risk Offer To A Landing Page – To help you provide a reader subscriber with more information, connect your offer to a landing page. In today’s world of home office working, your target audience is spending more time than ever before in their inbox. And to help you maximize your e-mail marketing efforts, spend a few extra minutes making your e-mail campaigns a great brand experience. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of, a division of Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. To hire Glenn for your next conference, visit © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Friday, January 28 2022
6 Payroll Prospect PowerPoint Tips
Are you looking to upgrade your sales and marketing process at your payroll service? If you are, I recommend developing a short PowerPoint presentation that walks a prospect through the following six sections:
Other Tools To Consider Are:
If you are looking to upgrade your sales and marketing efforts, the first step to success is to take action. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Thursday, January 27 2022
How To Create A Newsletter
It is relatively easy to create a newsletter that is filled with engaging content for your database of payroll prospects, CPAs, and payroll clients. To help you develop a newsletter that is actually read, I have listed several tips for you to consider. #1: Segment Your Database – Your absolute first step is to segment your database of e-mail addresses into groups, i.e., prospects, referral partners, and clients. After that is done, you need to clean up each database to ensure delivery and AVOID your newsletters from being labeled as spam. #2: Select An e-Mail Publishing Service – It is best to choose a platform that makes it easy to create and send your e-mail campaigns. Therefore, consider a service that offers an easy-to-use interface and makes the unsubscribe process simple for a reader. Additionally, you need to have a dashboard to review a campaign’s results, such as Constant Contact. #3: Create A Newsletter Template – If you lack the design skills, hire someone who does e-mail design work for a living. Remember, you need to present a positive image in the marketplace. #4: Define Your Marketing Content – Content is easy to create as the IRS, CDC, and your business partners publish loads of articles to use. To help you get results over the long run, focus on snippets of information to share with your target audience. Remember, if your newsletter is all about you/your payroll service, your open rates will suffer, or worse, opt-out from future campaigns. #5: Determine Your Newsletter’s Frequency - Once your newsletter is done, you need to determine the frequency of it being sent. My recommendation is once a month, as you need to send more than a newsletter to help position your payroll or HCM business as a trusted resource. #6: Outline Future Content – The key to developing future content is to create a file of hot topics your target audience wants to read. This could be year-end information, new minimum wage increases, to time and attendance tips. And don’t be afraid to ask your team for articles of interest. #7: Proof Every Campaign, Three Times – Before you press the send button, it is imperative to proof your campaign multiple times by multiple people. Check all links, phone numbers, addresses, and e-mail addresses. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of, a division of Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. To hire Glenn for your next conference, visit © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Friday, January 21 2022
How To Quickly Attract New Payroll Clients
Marketing your payroll service is a critical aspect to growing its sales; however, the key to your marketing success is this: Niche marketing. What Is Niche Marketing? Niche marketing is all about focusing on a particular group(s), i.e., a marketing database that has a common element(s). Core Groups To Target:
Niche Markets To Consider (Sample List):
The Benefit From Niche Marketing. The real benefit of niche marketing is this: Focus. And if you ever managed a sales/marketing team, you and I both know it’s imperative to keep a person’s focus on a target market. Plus, when you are focused on a particular group, the following happens:
What Type Of Promotions Or Low-Risk Offers Can You Use? Consider these ideas as you plan your promotion:
Sample list of private label BBQ/hot sauce companies: Crucial Step: Review Your Existing Marketing Material And Website. If you are targeting a niche market, I recommend reviewing/rewriting the following:
Clearly Articulate The Pain Points Your Payroll Service Solves AND Its Industry Expertise. Your marketing message should tell a reader the problems your payroll service solves. Here are some key talking points:
You Only Have .5- to 1.5 Seconds To Get Someone’s Attention. Choose your headlines carefully as you will only have a reader’s attention for .5- to 1.5-seconds. With your niche marketing messages, remember to use industry jargon to help your message resonate with a reader. Avoid using platitudes like these:
Add These Downloadable Resource Guides To Your Website/e-Mail Marketing Campaigns:
Executive Summary: Prospects will switch to a new payroll service for the following reasons:
Now that you know the top reasons why someone would want to switch to a new payroll service, you can use this information in your next marketing campaign. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Friday, January 21 2022
16 Things Winning Payroll
To help your sales staff regain its focus, you will find a number of things winning payroll salespeople do every morning below. 16 Things Winning Payroll Salespeople Do Each Morning. 1. They Get To Work Early: Successful salespeople arrive early to the office to avoid the typical interruptions from their co-workers.
4. They Read Their Sales/Personal Goals: Successful salespeople read their sales goals and personal goals to help internalize their success. P.S. #1: The key to managing your day is to take action. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. To hire Glenn for your next conference, visit © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Thursday, January 20 2022
6 Tips For Hiring A Sales Hunter
My research has shown 50% to 60% of all newly hired payroll salespeople (at a small independent’s payroll service) will quit or be discharged in their first 9- to 12-months of employment. Nationally, salespeople turnover is 27% each year, according to Harvard Business Review. Since the process of recruiting and training a new salesperson is a significant expense, you will want to be sure that you hire a sales hunter. That said, here are six tips to consider reading: 6 Tips To Help Hire A Sales Hunter. Tip #1: Be Specific – The first step is to define the role and requirements in a job posting; therefore, take a moment to reflect on your company’s needs before you begin your search. Don't forget to work on a sales comp plan that rewards the right performance. Tip #2: Manage The Interview – Interview preparation allows you to be ready to ask revealing questions. I recommend using a candidate’s resume to build open-ended questions you can use during the interview. Tip #3: Have The Salesperson Give You A Presentation On What They Are Currently Selling – Step outside of the typical interview questions, such as what are your strengths and weaknesses, and instead conduct a pragmatic interview by asking them to give you a presentation on their current/last employer’s product line. Please pay particular attention to the candidate’s sales pitch and their ability to answer your questions and concerns about the product. Tip #4: Play Your Hand Close – A common mistake made by some less experienced interviewers is they reveal what they want from an employee at the beginning of an interview. A clever candidate will use this to his/her advantage and respond with what you want to hear. Maintain the power dynamic by asking instead of telling. Tip #5: Perform A Candidate Assessment – Throughout the entire interview process, you will want to assess the candidate through a specific lens. Decide what components make up the ideal salesperson and determine if this candidate matches those criteria. If they do not seem like a good fit now, they probably will not be a good fit down the road. Tip #6: Do Your Research – It is not uncommon for salespeople to exaggerate their accomplishments during the interview. While flat-out lying is entirely unacceptable, exaggerating achievements can be problematic. So, it is in your best interest to jot down their claims and check their accuracy during your reference checks. What Most People Lie About On Their Resumes. According to employers, the most common lies they catch on resumes* relate to:
By the way, turnover in your sales department can and will cost your payroll HCM business a small fortune; therefore, work on hiring the right salesperson from the start (hire slowly and fire fast). *Based on a survey by of 2,188 U.S.-based hiring managers and HR professionals. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. To hire Glenn for your next conference, visit © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Thursday, January 20 2022
7 Reasons Why Your e-Mail Campaigns
After sending 113+ million e-mail campaigns on behalf of our clients, I have listed the top e-mail marketing mistakes I see most payroll services make. They are: Reason #1: No Follow-Up Call Was Ever Made – The #1 reason why an e-mail marketing campaign(s) fails is the lack of a follow-up call. My suggestion:
Reason #2: Poor Messaging And Subject Lines – Another top reason why your e-mail marketing results are lackluster is this: Poor messaging and copy. And yes, your subject line falls in this category as well. My suggestions:
Reason #3: Sending Too Many Or Too Few e-Mails – Have you ever received an e-mail from someone and then received 3 to 4 e-mails in the first 72 hours? If you have, you know it does more harm than good. My suggestions:
Reason #4: Not Segmenting Your Databases By Target Audience - Many e-mail marketing campaigns fail because the information that is e-mail is nothing more than a generic newsletter blast. My suggestions:
Reason #5: Not Using A Low-Risk Offer – By not having a highly visible low-risk offer or call-to-action, you are missing out on some potential sales leads and referrals. My suggestions:
Reason #6: Not Having An e-Mail Strategy - One of the top reasons your e-mail marketing efforts fail is this: Not having an e-mail marketing strategy. My suggestions:
Reason #7: Not Constantly Building A Database Of Prospect e-Mail Addresses – If you are not continually building your database of e-mail addresses, your “prospect” open rates will flatline over time. My suggestions:
Executive Summary: The days of blasting a generic, one-size-fits-all newsletter to everyone in your e-mail database and expecting a sales lead or a referral are over. Be smart and create a plan of action AND a sales follow-up plan. Once you do this, you will see a dramatic improvement in your sales results. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Thursday, January 20 2022
10 Tips To Improve Your Payroll Service's e-Mail Open Rates
If you want more people to read your next e-mail campaign, here are a few tips to consider. #1: Avoid Writing Content That Is Too Self-Serving – Keep your e-mail campaign’s content relevant to the database it’s being sent to. #2: Avoid Writing A Wall Of Text – Don’t fall victim to writing a wall of text to get a campaign done. My suggestions are:
#3: Segment Your e-Mail Marketing Lists – Create databases of clients, past clients, prospects, CPAs, etc. #4: Keep Your e-Mail List Updated - You need to continuously build and update your database of clients, prospects, and referral partners; don't forget to delete the e-mail addresses that bounce. #5: Know What Affects Your Open Rates - 80% of an e-mail's open rate is based on: Your subject line, the from field, and the day/time a campaign is sent. #6: Use Your Payroll Service's Name In The "From" Field - On mass e-mail marketing campaigns, use your biz name in the from field. #7: The Size Of Your e-Mail Database – Most salespeople need to have at least 1,000 to 2,500 e-mail addresses on file. #8: Pick Up The Phone - After sending an important e-mail campaign to a database, i.e., webinar invite, call the people who opened it. #9: Proofread Your e-Mail Campaigns – Before sending your next e-mail marketing campaign, print your final copy and give it to two other people to proof. #10: Consider Hiring A Professional Copywriter – Just because you have Word installed on your computer or a graphic design program, it doesn’t make you a good copywriter/designer. Do your payroll service a favor and hire someone who does e-mail marketing and/or copywriting for a living. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Wednesday, January 19 2022
14 Tips Survival Tips
Being a payroll service salesperson isn’t easy. In fact, 50% to 66% of all newly hired salespeople quit or get fired in their first nine months of employment!
About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Wednesday, January 19 2022
10 Tips That Will Jump-Start Your Payroll Sales
If you want to improve your sales performance and ensure your survival in today’s competitive payroll sales environment, I have listed several tips below (in no particular order) to help you master the sales profession. Your 10 Payroll Sales Tips:
The payroll sales environment moves in the blink of an eye, from new competitors emerging, competitors lowering the price of similar products and services you sell, a new technology that makes your payroll or timekeeping solution look obsolete, to a competitor receiving a large sum of capital from an investor. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Wednesday, January 19 2022
5 Tips To Help You Write A
To help you deliver a better e-mail marketing message, I have listed below a few tips, based on sending more than 113 million e-mail campaigns for our clients. Tip #1: Segment Your Databases. The number one thing you can do is segment your e-mail databases by target audiences, e.g., clients, past clients, prospects, and referral partners. Remember, you cannot say things to a client that you could say to a prospect and vice versa. Tip #2: BEFORE You Write A "Prospecting" Campaign, Ask Yourself These Questions.
After you have answered each question, start using your answers as the basis for your messaging. Tip #3: Select The Themes Of Your Campaign. After you have segmented your databases into groups, start writing down the type of "campaign theme" that makes sense to send each database on file (see below). Prospect Specific Campaigns
Client Specific Campaigns
Tip #4: Select A Low-Risk Offer Or Call-To-Action. After you have created your e-mail marketing campaign, you now need to add a low-risk offer or call to action. Why? Because it will help someone take the next step in the buying process or learn more about the value your business brings to the marketplace Tip #5: Proof Each Campaign BEFORE You Press The Send Button Before you press the "send" button, you need to proof your e-mail campaign using the following steps:
Executive Summary: You can no longer rely on generic "one-size-fits-all" e-mail newsletter blasts to generate a sales lead for your business; therefore, it is imperative to put some thought into your content messaging. As I tell all our payroll clients, "What you say, how you say it, who you say it to, and the frequency you say it will all play a huge role in reader engagement." About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Tuesday, January 18 2022
3 Of The Most Powerful Words In Payroll Sales
Do you want to know the keywords or phrases to use during your sales call discovery process? Well, here they are:
#2 = What - When used at the beginning of a sentence, you can get someone to rationalize a decision...
#3 = How - When used at the beginning of a sentence, you can get someone to explain a process or cost-related data...
7 Question-Asking Sections: The questions above can be separated into sections, which I refer to in my book, Stop Whining And Start Selling, as listed below:
Important Note: Always add value to the sales discovery process by providing some recommendations or simple ways to improve/save money. If you leave a payroll or HCM prospect with a positive impression, they are more likely to call you when they become ready to make a buying decision. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Tuesday, January 18 2022
10 Reasons Why Your Payroll Service
Here are ten reasons why you need a drip marketing system installed at your payroll service:
P.S. "Hope" isn't a great sales and marketing strategy for your payroll service. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Tuesday, January 18 2022
2 Reasons Why Your Payroll Service
e-Mail marketing should be at the top of your sales and marketing strategy as it can play a significant role in helping your sales follow-up efforts, social media marketing, webinars/events, and content marketing. 2 Critical Reasons Why You Need An e-Mail Strategy:
The Road To e-Mail Success.
About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Tuesday, January 18 2022
8 Tips To Generate More
After sending an e-mail campaign to your database of prospects and CPAs, here are eight tips to consider:
After Leaving Someone A Voicemail Message, Send This e-Mail: "Contact Name: I left you a voicemail message a few minutes ago to follow up on an e-mail we sent to you today/yesterday about our (new 2022 upgraded payroll/timekeeping system, etc.). If you want to know how our (payroll and timekeeping package can reduce your labor costs by 5% - 8% next month), send me a few days/times that you are available for a quick 10-minute call." About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Tuesday, January 18 2022
9 Ways To Boost Your
Are you looking for ways to generate higher open/click-through rates with your e-mail marketing campaigns? If you are, here are several tips to consider. #1: Segment Your Databases: Send the same e-mail campaign to each group on file, i.e., clients, prospects, and referral partners. #2: Update Your Databases: Remove any e-mail addresses that haven’t opened a campaign in 24-months. #3: Add New e-Mail Addresses: Adding new e-mail addresses is a key to your success. #4: Send More Than A Newsletter: Sending just a newsletter once/twice a month will put your subscribers to sleep. Therefore, I recommend sending a variety to your databases. #5: Personalize Your e-Mails: Use a service that allows you to customize a campaign (see below):
#6: Avoid Writing A Wall Of Text: Since your target audience spends 4 - 6 hours a day managing their inbox, they scan your copy instead of reading. Therefore, use headlines, sub-headlines, and bullet points to convey a message. #7: Use Engaging Subject Lines: People skim their inboxes for engaging subject lines; therefore, use the following techniques in your subject line:
#8:Send A "Reminder" e-Mail To Anyone Who Didn't Open Your Initial Campaign: Use a service that automatically sends a follow-up reminder to anyone who didn't open the initial campaign. #9: Write Better Headlines: Your headline is the introduction to a topic. Remember, you have .5 to 1.0 seconds to capture someone’s attention. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Sunday, January 16 2022
12 Ways To Boost Profits
Over the past few months, many payroll/HCM businesses have taken a hit when it comes to their profits. And if your company has too, you need a sales, marketing, AND business plan to offset these losses. That being said, you and your management team need to focus on these core elements of your business: 12 Areas To Print And Share With Your Executive Team.
2 BONUS Tips. . .
Here's The Bottom Line: The COVID-19 crisis isn't going to get any better as winter is right around the corner. Because another shutdown/slowdown is right around the corner, it is essential to:
About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. Copyright © 2022 Friday, January 14 2022
8 e-Mail Prospecting Tips To Help
You might have heard that e-mail marketing is a waste of time because prospects are too busy to open an e-mail from someone they don’t know; however, statistics show many “cold e-mails” are still being opened. To help you receive a better e-mail response from your database of payroll prospects, CPAs, and yes, your payroll clients, I have listed a number of quick tips below. 1. Proof Your Campaigns: The #1 thing you can do is print AND triple-check your e-mail marketing campaigns. Look for typos, formatting errors, no low-risk offers, etc. 2. Write Enticing Subject Lines: The difference between a great subject line and one that is less than stellar, is the difference between an e-mail getting read and one that gets deleted. 3. Talk Like A Real Person: If your subject line reads like spam, it will be treated as one. Here are some words that could trigger a spam filter:
4. Personalize Your e-Mail: Whenever possible, you should personalize your subject line to include a prospect’s name or company (or both). According to MarketingDive, personalizing an e-mail subject line can boost open rates by 50% and increase click-to-open rates by 58%. 5. Tell The Reader What’s In It For Them: When it comes to your low-risk offer, focus LESS on explaining how your product or service works, and more on how it can add VALUE to their business.
6. Format Your e-Mails For Smartphones: With a prospecting e-mail, you need to ensure your message can be read on a smartphone.
7. Know When To Send A Follow-Up e-Mail: If the majority of your cold prospecting e-mails are still met with a cold shoulder, you need to focus on sending more “educational" driven e-mails, i.e., here's an article you might find of interest. 8. Vary Your Messaging: If a prospect who opened your initial e-mail has gone cold; I highly suggest sending the following types of campaigns to re-engage them:
The Real Leads Will Come From Doing This! After sending an e-mail campaign, I highly recommend picking up your phone for a quick “Oh, by the way,” call. If you are a client of ours, you know exactly what type of call this is! If you don’t, contact me directly for the answer. Executive Summary:
About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. Wednesday, January 12 2022
9 Tips To Help Run A Great Payroll/Timekeeping Demo
In a business world where face-to-face meetings are on a hiatus, you will find nine tips below to help you run a better online demo. 1. Ask Insightful Discovery Questions - Asking the right discovery questions BEFORE the demo will help you understand how you can add value to a prospect's business. Ask questions like:
2. Customize The Demo For Each Prospect – This requires some work on your end, from adding a prospect’s logo to taking their discovery answers (from above) and working them into your demo. 3. Simplify Your Demo – The key here is to highlight only the most relevant features. 4. Before You Start The Demo, Have A Summary Slide – Before you start the demo, have a PowerPoint slide that summarizes what their problems are (based on your discovery). 5. Show What Your Product/Service Can Do In Everyday Situations - Ask yourself these two questions:
6. Explain Each Click (And Go Slow) – Remember, this prospect is seeing your payroll platform for the first time. Therefore, explain what you are doing and go slow. 7. Show Real Data - Most salespeople use fake data when running a demo. If you want to go the extra mile, try tailoring the information for each specific prospect, i.e., their company name instead of “Business Name.” 8. Take Great Notes On Their Issues And Concerns - Make sure you write what they liked and didn’t like. If not, you won’t be able to summarize the value of what you are selling/overcoming objections. 9. 95% Of All Demos Will Go To The Proposal Stage – That’s right, 95% of all demos go to the proposal stage. Because of this, you need to schedule a “10-minute proposal review day/time” with the prospect. If they don’t agree to a day/time, in person or over the phone, the odds of you closing them are slim. Summary: What’s listed above is being used by top-performing salespeople throughout the country. Are you ready to be one of them? About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. Copyright © 2022 Wednesday, January 05 2022
8 Money-Making Tips To Supercharge Your
Do you want to generate more sales leads and client referrals from your e-mail marketing campaigns in 2021? If you do, I have outlined eight proven tips below to help make that happen. #1. Resend Your e-Mail Campaigns To The “Non-Open” Addresses - You will see a 30% to 50% increase in open rates just by resending the original e-mail campaign to the e-mail addresses that did not open the original e-mail. If you are using a tool like Constant Contact, this is done automatically for you. #2. Make A List Of “Engaged” e-Mail Addresses – Go back to your last 12-months of e-mail campaigns and copy all the e-mail addresses into the following groups:
#3. Personalize Your Subject Lines – By simply adding a person’s name or company name to the subject line, you will see an increase of 10% or more in your open rates (just don’t do this all the time as people will become tone-deaf to this strategy. #4. Create Unique e-Mail Campaigns For Each Database On File – Instead of blasting out a one-size-fits-all newsletter, write an e-mail campaign for each database you have on file. The key is this: Write a subject line that resonates with each database. #5. Keep Your "SEND" Frequency In Check – If you are blasting three to four e-mails a week to your database, or one e-mail a month, you should step back and reevaluate your strategy. And yes, too many e-mails are just as bad as too few. #6. Avoid Mondays When Sending A Mass e-Mail Campaign – The day of the week and the time of the day you send an e-mail campaign will play a huge role in its open rate. By the way, Mondays are the worst days to blast an e-mail. #7. Write Better Subject Lines - Your open rates are directly related to your subject lines. #8. Make Sure Your e-Mails Are Dynamically Formatted For A Smartphone, Tablet, Or PC – When you send an e-mail campaign, make sure you are using a service that uses “dynamic formatting” as it will allow a reader to view your campaign without the dreaded “pinching” to expand copy. Final Thoughts: The steps I have listed above are important elements of a successful e-mail marketing strategy. If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, feel free to e-mail or call our office. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. Copyright © 2022 Tuesday, January 04 2022
10 Tips To Help Land More New Payroll Clients
ADP and Paychex, and like many other national payroll services, are aggressively going after new business (see links below). In fact, they are making "new client acquisition" a top priority as the economy recovers from the COVID-19 virus.
10 Steps To A Proactive 2021 Sales And Marketing Strategy. If you want to acquire more new payroll clients in 2021, I have listed ten core areas below to consider:
Executive Summary: If you are an owner or a sales leader take a moment from your day and do the following:
If you want to be successful in driving in NEW sales revenue, you need to do the little things DAILY. P.S. "Hope" isn't a great sales strategy. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. Copyright © 2022 Saturday, January 01 2022
16 Low-Cost Ideas To
Marketing a payroll service does NOT have to be expensive to attract a new payroll, HCM, or timekeeping client; however, it is essential to stay in contact with your payroll service’s database of clients, prospects, and CPAs as you can never time a sale (or a referral).
16 Marketing Ideas To Help Promote Your Payroll Service Business:
Other Ideas To Help Market Your Payroll Service Business.
A Little About Your Marketing Copy/Messaging.
Always Be Updating Your Database Of Clients, Prospects, And Referral Partners.
About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. Copyright © 2022 |