Friday, December 15 2023
2 e-Mail Marketing Campaigns
If you want to generate more payroll sales leads, and I mean immediate, do the following:
The Real Money Is Made On Your Follow-Up Phone Call. After each campaign is sent, have a mandatory phone-blitz follow-up session with your salespeople. Yes, it's that simple (I prove it all the time to my payroll clients). 6 e-Mail Marketing Campaigns To Implement In 2024.
Words Of Tough Love For All Sales Leaders: The days of winging it are over when it comes to marketing your payroll service. If you want a break-out year, set your sales and marketing goals and then take action. If you can't make it happen for whatever reason, call me, and I will help you. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a highly acclaimed keynote speaker renowned for delivering invaluable sales and marketing advice to business owners and sales leaders, enabling them to win more payroll sales and produce more referrals from their database of clients and referral partners. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. |