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Better Content + Better Open Rates= More Sales Leads For You.

Are you looking for a low-cost way to  generate more referrals and stay top-of-mind in the marketplace with your database of warm/hot prospects? If you are, take a moment to learn about our proven Drip Marketing System 10.0, as it's been engineered to interrupt and engage your database of payroll prospects, referral partners, and, yes, your clients.  

As a client of, you will have access to...

  • Engaging Sales Follow-Up Letters
  • Our Appointment Setting Assistance Program
  • Customized Client Surveys
  • Best-In-Class Newsletters (We Have The Highest Open Rate In The Payroll Industry)
  • Time Management  & Proposal Tracking Tools For Your Sales Team
  • And Tons More!

Our cutting-edge payroll marketing system and exceptional copywriting skills will ensure that you stay top-of-mind with your potential new clients and referral partners. Don't settle for just a newsletter blast. Instead, be unforgettable in the marketplace.

Our Suite Of Services...

Customized Sales Letters

We can offer you many custom-designed sales letters to interrupt and engage your database of CPAs, chamber members, and prospects.  

Newsletter PLUS Package

Our Payroll Industry Alerts newsletters are filled with hot and timely payroll industry content; content that will interrupt and engage your target audience.  

Buy/Sell Brokerage Service
If you want to sell your payroll service ( or buy a payroll service), you need to talk with the brokerage pros at as we can help you maximize your multiple by creating a healthy 'bidding' situation.

Client Surveys

Custom Payroll Client Survey

Our custom client survey service will help quantify your client relationships and help generate a new referral for you too.

Custom Press Releases

Our line of customized press releases, e.g., new salesperson, new payroll system upgrade, new timekeeping solution, etc., are designed to help shake the prospect tree!

Blog Content Service

Our Blog Content Service will provide you with a consistent delivery of payroll-related article for you or your staff to post to your company's website.

Social Media Posting Service

Our LinkedIn Posting Service will automatically post payroll, HR, IRS, timekeeping and HCM-related articles to your LinkedIn account!

Sales/Marketing Consulting

From developing a sales comp plan to a sales follow-up plan, we can help you focus on the things that will improve your sales. 

Payroll Owners And Sales Leaders Love Us...

That's right; with our proven marketing system, we are a perfect match for payroll/HCM owners, sales pros, and marketing experts who...

  1. Are tired of blasting one-size-fits-all generic newsletters that aren't getting opened by their database of payroll prospects and CPAs.
  2. Don't have the copywriting skills needed to produce high-quality marketing messages consistently or in a timely manner.
  3. Are losing sales leads and referrals because they aren't staying top-of-mind in the marketplace.

If you want to be top-of-mind in the marketplace to build more trust, credibility, and brand recognition, you need to learn more about our payroll company Drip Marketing System 10.0 ASAP.